
Saturday, 14 November 2009

bosan penat bosan penat

Salaam Alaik

I do not know what went wrong today. It was all too gloomy and dull. And the weather really do depicts my emotion. *cewah. aku bersastera kau.* I did not find any interest with study. Who finds it interesting anyway? Maybe those intellectual nerds find it so but not me. At least, not for today as for the other day I found it very interesting to read about Colon. And relating it with your everyday life is sure fun fun fun!

Back to the story, what is happening to me now? Is it the home sickness getting to me again? Most definitely think so. I am looking forward to end this exam. My God! This is only internal assessment for goodness sake. No where near final yet but then I am acting like this. What the heck is wrong with me? I realised that I am whining too much lately especially in this blog. What to do.. what to do..

Am I depressed?


No I think I am just mentally tired.


Nawa has gone mental


That's all

Thank you very much

p/s: sorry to read about me crapping most of the time. But I excel in crapping anyway. and this is my blog. HAHAHA

p/p/s: notice the frequency of my updates? nampak sangat hidup sangat bosan dengan mengadap buku. haaaaaaaaaaaaah