Eid Mubarak to all friends and families out there. 1001 apologies for any wrongdoings that have been done by me either conciously, sub conciously or not as in this 18 years of living. May Allah accept our deeds in the holy month of Ramadhan and bless us. Ameen.
I am back at home. Finally. I see Along found out our blogs. A warm welcome here for you. Basically, I have nothing to tell, really. Raya is not that fun anymore. I do not know why. My Raya spirit dampens each and every year. Probably because the family is incomplete. I am missing the old Raya. The nights with takbir, us busy preparing the food for people coming for takbir, sleeping at 2 in the morning, midnight raya movies, very cold morning with that suasana kampung, getting up excitedly and heading to musolla, rushing to KL, went to other people places in big group, questioning why I got less duit raya.... I missed them.I do really missed those days..
The truth...
I miss having my Raya with my sisters. I miss the time when everyone is there.
See our lame attempt to have a Raya picture together? Angah was not there and I am not good at photoshop-ing your picture on this picture. I knew you are good at it. Why don't you try it then? Anyhow, I love you all.