In the middle of the rummaging procession, I stumbled upon this.
My sweet and dear 'old' Ayah
Thinking I was only in Form One when i was enrolling to Form Four..
I will always be your littlest girl
Mind you.. ye akak and angah,the littlest girl in the family.
I love YOU
or as you put it ,ILU...
I remembered when I was accepted to be in a boarding school.
Ayah seemed reluctant.He said,"Nanti lama-lama awa keluar gak dari rumah.Takpayah la pergi."or sounded like that lah.
Ibu tak kisah.I chose and she agreed."Ibu nak yang terbaik untuk awa.Ibu basuhkan baju weekly kalau pergi."she said.
Maka terus hati ini teruja mahu meneruskan pelajaran ke sekolah berasrama.. =D
Siapa tak menolak kan??
After 'pujukan' and continous persuasion from Akak, Ayah gave in.
I tell you Ayah. It was not,and never a waste when you sent me there.
With That,