we are on the way to PD when we saw a pair of indians on the road.satu terduduk dan satu terbaring.people didnt stop except a chinese.dad stopped by then only lots of other ppl stopped by then.
the chinese said that he did actually ran into the couple.me and haziq stayed back in the car as ibu didnt let us go and see them.they were injured pretty badly.that was what ibu and ayah said.
ibu called the police.but they were slow.too much bureaucracy..too much process..that is malaysia if you asked me..
anyway,we headed to PD and we had a lot of FUN!
adek as usual being all excited about going to bathe at the sea.but pity then, when i brought him to the sea, there were lots of corals.at that time,air laut belum pasang lg.jadi sgt jauh dari tempat kitorg ke laut.sgt jauh!
i thought of not going into the waters but then it seemed that i couldnt help it.i didnt put any lotion at all.hitamlah muka ku~
we went home at the evening.maka tercapailah cita2 ayah!!
p/s: due to my tiredness,i slept for 14hours today![clap..clap]