
Friday, 20 September 2013

frittata is a fancy name for omelette

I am getting old. My muscles are sore. LOL. That's what you get for running with no proper training. Last time, all I did was walking and finished majestically in the last place. This year, I am determined to run, no need to disclose which place I got but for sure it's better than the last time. Wahaha. Man, I am ashamed if I run with my dad. He runs better and faster and further. Maybe I should take up running but it is just impossible to wake up early and run.  Next year, if there is anything that will involve running, I will make sure to sit out as checkpoint lady.

Medicine is so discouraging nowadays. I am discouraged. I don't know.

I have exam again. I wish I could do something more productive and challenging aside from sitting with a book in front of me. Weather is not helping. Looking forward to go back and see the family. Itupun few months from now, I hope.

New hospital is going to be launched soon. To prove a point when I say this hospital is freaking huge. I got lost the other day trying to explore. on top of that, no cell phone coverage. WTH? Luckily I went with some friends. Anyway, the president is coming. We are not invited since admission with cards only. and no phone no handbag no umbrella is allowed in. Fancy that. But whatever. Monday is holiday. Yippee.

p/s: I read MOfrust's blog, I think though it is sometimes depressing but it can be quite entertaining on a different note. But if you read Pagalavan, he will just leave you depressed and worried. Heh.